Snake Traps

A more affordable design

Snake traps are sometimes used on projects as a less stressful and less labour-instensive method of capturing live snakes. However snake traps that are used are often expensive and custom-built for a particular species. This means that snake traps cannot be used on a large scale for most projects and snakes are usually captured by hand, which is time consuming and stressful for the snake.

Our aim is to construct an easy-to-use, inexpensive and safe trap that can be used globally for various species. Using previous snake trap designs as inspiration, we created a prototype for a new trap made from light and inexpensive materials.

The next step of our research will be to trial the snake traps in the field at different locations around the world. The trials will be completed in collaboration with local experts in different countries. The effectiveness of the traps will be measured against a control of traditional capture methods for comparison.

The research has yet to conclude with likely results in the next two years.

About us

Ecologists & engineers in cooperation since 2004.

At Animex we combine biological understanding with modern engineering insight to provide leading solutions in wildlife exclusion fencing (WEF) and mitigation services. For over a decade we have worked within the construction and conservation industries enabling us to provide you with world-leading knowledge and local ecological expertise.

We provide wildlife exclusion fencing (WEF) solutions designed especially for species-of-special-concern and species at risk across North America and the world. Our unique range of environmentally friendly wildlife fencing products are specifically designed for use on temporary and permanent projects.


Animex International HQ
K4 Keppel, Daedalus Park
Daedalus Drive, Lee-on-the-Solent
PO13 9FX
United Kingdom


+44 1329 832 841
