
Each project has links to the type of fencing used and a PDF version you can download. Some may also have links to articles featured in our Conservation Spotlight newsletter. If you wish to know more about any particular project then please get in touch.

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Twitchell Island DMPS

  • Location: Twitchell Island, California
  • Species: Western Pond Turtles (Emys marmorata) & Alameda Whipsnakes (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus)
  • Fence: AMX-Temporary (Free-standing)

Animex installed temporary exclusion fencing to enclose the construction of a dredged material placement site (DMPS) in support of maintenance dredging in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel (DWSC). The 35-acre DMPS was established on Twitchell Island, adjacent to restored wetland habitat known to be inhabited by Alameda Whipsnakes and Western Pond Turtles . The fence was installed at an angle for one-way movement, serving as an effective exclusion barrier while allowing animals to escape the active construction zone. Following construction of the DMPS, the fence was removed and disinfected to be used for future projects.

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Taiwan Endemic Species

To mitigate for the high rates of road mortality for the rare endemic snake species Maki’s Keelback, the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute campaigned to implement some mitigation measures on a mortality hotspot on a winding road. After gaining support from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications the teams developed various ways to retrofit the Animex material to existing concrete barriers and guardrails. Animex is also working with them to develop a strategy to provide mitigation along another road in the region along with field testing some low-cost and reliable snake traps for population surveys.

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High Speed Rail

Environmental teams working on the California High Speed Rail had found plastic mesh fencing used on early stages was not withstanding the demands of the project and required frequent replacement and maintenance. To avoid delays and reduce ongoing costs biologists teamed with engineers, contractors and the High Speed Rail Authority to utilize Animex for its high durability, low cost and animal-safe technology. Our team provided training and advice to contractors for quick, effective and low-impact installation. Moving forward, Animex’s durability and reusability will dramatically reduce ongoing costs and prevent dumping of short-term plastic mesh materials in the landfill.

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U.S. Coast Guard

Plastic mesh fencing had been installed to exclude snakes from a remote U.S. Coast Guard communications facility. However, following sightings of Alameda Whipsnakes and their venomous relative Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes, there were concerns that mesh fencing was not effectively excluding snakes. Animex was installed around the staging area, affixed to the perimeter chainlink fence and weighed down with gravel bags, to protect the crew living onsite. Animex functions as a unique sensory barrier that works on a behavior level to deter wildlife and there were no sightings in the staging area after its installation.

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Bruce Peninsula

Parks Canada aimed to mitigate risk to wildlife from a growth in visitor numbers by installing wildlife crossing structures and eco-fencing at various hotspots. The Animex fencing installation was overseen by Eco Kare and was attached to the wing walls of the eco-passage and then extended along the roadside. To raise awareness, the parks authority released a series of videos to educate visitors about the reason for the fencing in the hope that they would positively alter driving behaviors. Monitoring of the passages has revealed they are used by a wide variety of species to safely move through areas of the park divided by the road.

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Housing Development

In order to prevent California Tiger Salamanders from entering the draining ponds on a new housing development we designed a long-lasting, low-impact and attractive fencing solution. It was an environmental permit condition to mitigate the dangers this artificial water system could pose to the species of special concern. With the aid of the pragmatic developer we were able to implement a safe and sustainable fencing solution. The fence’s high durability will keep annual maintenance costs down and provide a much more effective long-term barrier when compared to commonly used mesh and mixed textile materials.

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Ngahere Gecko Reintroduction

The project was for a reintroduction of Ngahere Geckos (Mokopirirakau sp.), a protected gecko species, to a small island in New Zealand. In conjunction with EcoGecko Consultants and Winstone Aggregates we designed and supplied an optimal fencing system to contain the newly translocated geckos as they became acclimated to their new habitat. The soft release enclosures were in place during the early part of the monitoring schedule and later removed for reuse on another project. The fences were intact after a year of being in place on the windy island site and have since been used on many other similar projects.

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Assunpink Ecopassage

To help reduce road mortality of various reptiles and amphibians and reconnect their fragmented wetland habitat, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection wanted to install fencing to guide animals to a new under-road crossing structure. They also wanted to ensure any animals that found themselves on the road, from beyond the fence ends, would be able to easily escape back to safety. This resulted in us installing the fencing below grade that not only turned the entire fence into a one-way feature but also kept the barrier out of site for drivers. Find out more...

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Desert Tortoise Survey

We supplied and supervised the installation of 3000' of low impact temporary Desert Tortoise fencing for First Solar in partnership with Ironwood Biological Consulting. The fencing was installed to assist with the capture and translocation of this federally-listed species to clear the site for the construction of a new solar energy plant. Discussions with many contractors and biologists on site revealed that previously specified mesh Desert Tortoise fencing installation methods often damaged large areas of surrounding habitat and had also been found to corrode within a few years of installation.

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Organic Orchard

Managers of an organic farm in Queensland, Australia, prevented large snakes from entering their orchard by erecting an Animex crop protection fence on their existing chainlink structure. The pythons were observed eating the chickens used to control pests in the growing area and they wanted to find a solution. During the first season the Animex fencing was installed they observed no snakes in the orchard and also recorded Cane Toads, wild dogs and monitor lizards being kept out of the fruit patch.

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Rare Species Reintroduction

We designed, supplied and installed a customized fencing solution to contain a small population of Pacific Pocket Mice during a re-introduction project. The mice had been believed to be extinct in the 1980's until a small population was rediscovered in the wild in 1993. The San Diego Zoo Institute For Conservation Research has since been working on a captive breeding program in partnership with OC Parks and USFW to re-introduce populations.

One month after the release, the monitoring study showed the mice were adapting well to their new habitat and were showing signs of reproductive readiness.

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Population Survey

Animex drift fence lines were installed around multiple ponds as part of a multi-year pitfall trap study from Stanford University, monitoring the movement of breeding populations of California Tiger Salamander. Animex was also installed along a nearby busy road to direct wildlife to road undercrossings, allowing for safe passage between breeding sites. As a solid barrier, Animex promotes natural movement and prevents the injuries often associated with mesh fencing, making Animex a safe and effective choice for drift fence studies and road ecology.

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Natural Gas Survey

This project was for one of the first natural gas exploration sites in South London. The access road for the site crossed through an area of protected species habitat. As part of a mitigation and enhancement strategy for Great Crested Newts, Animex supplied and installed over 500m of semi-permanent one-way fencing along with temporary culverts that enabled a passage for amphibians and other wildlife underneath the access road through adjacent woodland habitat. This ensured the habitat remained connected for protected species and the one-way fencing allowed any wildlife on the roadside to escape.

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Elevated Road Crossing

Biologists from the USGS Western Ecological Research Center are conducting a study with the U.S. Forest Service and Caltrans to determine whether building elevated bridges for cars with fencing barriers will help protect this rare toad. This was the first amphibian crossing to use an elevated road segment. Animex fencing was installed to direct toads toward the crossing. The project results will inform which road mitigation features, including the elevated bridge and exclusion fencing, are effective for protecting the toads from road mortality and is part of wider research on assessing the effectiveness of road mitigation systems for reptiles and amphibians in California. Find out more on the the USGS website.

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Roadside Guardrail

We worked with the engineers and biologists to design and create a low maintenance, easily-installed and effective mitigation solution on a very narrow banked wetland road in Southern Ontario. The very small road shoulder didn’t provide much room to install a secondary wildlife fence so we suggested the manufacture of bespoke fencing panels to fit directly to the back of the new guardrail system and connect it to an existing culvert. After the first monitoring season biologists recorded Snapping Turtles, Painted Turtles and Musk Turtles crossing under the road safely through the newly adapted eco-passage.

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Presqu'ile Provincial Park

We supplied permanent multi species exclusion fencing for Ontario Parks that was installed along a roadside in the Presqu’ile Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, targeting Snapping Turtles and other reptile and amphibian species. The installation method involved the bottom lip being placed on top of of the ground and then covered with earth and gravel.This installation technique was very swift and effective, allowing the fencing to be in place to help reduce roadkill as quickly as possible. The fencing on both sides of the roads was connected to a wildlife-crossing culvert that will allow animals to safely travel between these two areas of their habitat.

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Travis Air Force Base

In addition to being an effective wildlife barrier and one-way movement device, Animex can be used as a drift fence for wildlife movement studies. After performing extensive repairs to upkeep the deteriorating silt fencing that was installed in the first study season, Animex drift fence arrays were deployed at the Travis Air Force Base in a custom pitfall trap study, monitoring the movement of breeding populations of California tiger salamanders. The portability, durability and reusability of Animex fencing makes it the perfect solution for any drift fence study.

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Organic Salad Farm

An organic salad leaf grower in California wanted to prevent amphibians from entering the growing areas on their farm through the reservoir and irrigation systems. Alongside their contractor we designed solutions to attach to existing chainlink fencing as well as free standing options. We incorporated an alternative top lip design to deter tree frog species along with manufacturing bespoke material to attached seamlessly to the existing chainlink fence that included an above ground anti-burrow lip. Our innovative solution inhibits animals ability to see and sense what lies beyond a boundary and deters them from entering areas where they are not wanted.

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Western Toad Migration

Biologists working to aid Western Toads during their annual migration have been experimenting with a wide variety of different exclusion and drift fences to determine the most effective method. The patchwork of mitigation on this stretch of road contains everything from silt fencing to concrete blasted wooden frames and now has 800m of Animex fencing connected to a steel culvert to direct the amphibians to a safe crossing area. Check out some photos of the migration or find out more.

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Alameda Whipsnake

  • Location: Lafayette, CA
  • Species: Alameda Whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus) and California Red-legged Frog (Rana draytonii)
  • Fence: AMX-Temporary (Free-Standing)

This project was for road engineering works adjacent to a new housing development. Animex installed temporary fencing to exclude Alameda Whipsnake and California Red-legged Frog from spoil sites associated with a new housing development. The fence was installed as a freestanding below ground fence with a trench dug using a ride-on Ditch Witch trencher for fast installation. The project was completed with no special-status species incidents, and the fencing was re-used for another project the following season.

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Landfill Expansion

We installed a permanent exclusion fence for Waste Connections to prevent California Tiger Salamanders from re-entering an area that was designated to be used as an extension to an existing landfill. The previous fencing had deteriorated and was considered redundant so the new low profile Animex will ensure that the salamanders are kept off of the site during the new expansion.

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Highway Expansion

This project involved the expansion of a busy highway expansion and a national grocery distribution centre on the outskirts of Southampton. Ecosupport Ltd conducted ecological site assessments and surveys for protected species in and around the areas assigned to be impacted by the development. Part of the mitigation included the installation of 450m of Animex temporary exclusion fencing to prevent any Slow Worms and other reptiles and amphibians from entering the construction zones. Following completion, the fencing was removed and reused on a local housing development for different species the following season.

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About us

Ecologists & engineers in cooperation since 2004.

At Animex we combine biological understanding with modern engineering insight to provide leading solutions in wildlife exclusion fencing (WEF) and mitigation services. For over a decade we have worked within the construction and conservation industries enabling us to provide you with world-leading knowledge and local ecological expertise.

We provide wildlife exclusion fencing (WEF) solutions designed especially for species-of-special-concern and species at risk across North America and the world. Our unique range of environmentally friendly wildlife fencing products are specifically designed for use on temporary and permanent projects.


Animex International HQ
K4 Keppel, Daedalus Park
Daedalus Drive, Lee-on-the-Solent
PO13 9FX
United Kingdom


+44 1329 832 841
